
We offer to many different type of stakeholders opportunities to engagement in the Harnessing AI Risk Initiative for mutual benefit, and its upcoming 1st Summit in November in Geneva, its Pre-Summit held last June 12th along the G7 , its emerging Coalition and its Open Call. In particular:

  • States are invited to join as co-leader of the Initiative, and eventually take over its control together with a critical mass of other globally-diverse states.

  • Regional Intergovernmental Organizations are invited to join up to one more as founding members, enabling their members to lead in AI capability and safety.

  • Donors are invited to support the Initiative with small and large funds and actively participate in the campaign and the in person events and Summit in Geneva.

  • NGOs and Experts are invited to join our Coalition, participate in our events, help shape and deepen the initiative, and onboard states and AI labs.

  • Investing Entities of all kinds are invited to engage in the investment and funding opportunities created by the Global Public Interest AI Lab.

  • Leading AI Labs are invited to join as early partners of the Global Public Interest AI Lab, benefiting both their bottom line and their mission