Mission and Vision

Our mission aims to prevent catastrophic safety outcomes and dystopias of AI and digital communications - and realize their astounding promise - by promoting effective, democratic, federal and timely global coordination institutions and mechanisms.

Acknowledging the next few years as potentially the most decisive in human history, we recognise unprecedented opportunities and threats. Opportunities stem from rapid advancements in IT and AI, which promise enhanced well-being and security. Conversely, threats include climate change, nuclear proliferation, and the concentration of power and wealth, forming a complex, multidimensional global crisis that requires urgent and strategic global responses.

Our organisation advocates for a transformative approach to global cooperation, mirroring successful federation processes from national contexts like the United States, Germany, and Switzerland, but on a global scale. This involves forming a new type of transnational federative structure initiated by diverse nations. These nations would commit to an open, representative process, setting a foundation for equitable global governance.

There are enormous potential dangers due to the massively insufficient and undemocratic regulation of current digital platforms and AI, controlled by just a few nations and firms. The risks of technology misuse for manipulation and surveillance and ineffective regulatory responses are significant and concerning. Therefore, we champion a parallel, more accountable digital communications infrastructure governed by a transparent, participatory intergovernmental body.

The ultimate goal is to reframe IT and AI as tools for collective empowerment, enhancing global coordination and democracy, thereby realising a vision of abundant health, peace, and well-being for All. This requires a concerted effort from well-intentioned global actors to shift control from the few to the many, ensuring technology serves humanity's broadest interests rather than narrow, elite ones.