Opportunities For Donors

Are you, as we, highly concerned about AI leading to immense concentration of power and even loss of control? Are you, as we, excited about what AI could bring if we manage the risks?

By now, a wide majority of AI scientists, world citizens are as well, and increasingly so by the week, while mainstream media underestimates and seeds doubt on the risks and their timeline.

The challenge is monumental and the time to act is short. Many think that nothing can be done, while most others are clueless of what can be done or how. Superpowers are locked in a competition for supremacy instead of working together to steer AI on a safe and beneficial course.

Hope comes from a decisive attempt in 1946 to tame another extremely destructive and productive technology, atomic energy. Grappling with the immensity of the proliferation risks, both the US and Russia advanced formal proposals to the UN for the creation of a new global democratic organization to strictly manage its risks and share its benefits, to be extended to all other and future dangerous technologies.

They failed to agree as five states had a veto in the UN Security Council. Somehow, we managed to get by till today without catastrophes, but the nuclear risk is higher today than it ever was.

We have a second chance. In the face of AI's immense risks and opportunities, even superpowers could be brought again to consider highly ambitious global governance to manage it. But how do we avoid the same failure?

By pursuing a more effective and democratic treaty-making process, without any state's veto, we could bring a wide majority of states and eventually superpowers to agree on such a treaty. A blueprint for such a treaty-making process started from two US states convening the Annapolis Convention in 1786, that culminated in 9 and then all 13 ratifying a US federal constitution. We should do the same globally and for AI.

We are expanding a coalition of NGO, leading experts and states to advance such a prospect.

Join us or support us in the Harnessing AI Risk Initiative!

Seeking Funding Partnerships

The progress of this initiative has been driven entirely by a few committed volunteers, lead by the dedication and great personal sacrifices of Rufo Guerreschi, Founder and Executive Director. Despite being self-funded, our organization has achieved significant milestones, successfully establishing a robust coalition of experts and NGOs. It has garnered interest among various states, resulting with numerous stakeholders joining as advisors and committing to participate in our upcoming Harnessing AI Risk Summit and associated events. 

With the financial support of external donors, we could reach our critical milestones for 2024 and expand the scale of our mission. The stepping stones and momentum we have gained demonstrate our commitment to achieving ambitious goals and creating a substantial impact. As we prepare to extend this dialogue to prospective donors, we are looking to establish long term partnerships that will not only support but also accelerate our ambitious agenda. This presents a unique opportunity for donors to engage with a leading-edge, impactful initiative poised to substantially contribute to shaping the future of global AI governance. 

On our journey we seek long-term philanthropic partners to join us in this visionary undertaking, providing financial and strategic support, and leveraging their networks to advance our mission. As you will collaborate with other forward-thinkers and innovators, you’ll become an integral part of a collective endeavor that aims to work towards an AI convention, leading the world to a safer place, while securing a lasting legacy and inspiration.

Benefits of Becoming a Donor

  • Engagement in this endeavor places you at the leading edge of transformative change, offering an unparalleled chance to spearhead and shape a better future and maintain a deep personal satisfaction. Being recognised as an Early Patron of the Harnessing AI Risk Initiative will affirm your legacy for decades to come. 

  • Join a community and movement of distinguished and accomplished individuals:

    • Collaborate with world renowned experts, technologists and policy makers

    • Receive invitations to exclusive social events during our Harnessing AI Risk Summit, including preliminary gatherings in Geneva and other locations.

    • Engage in and host Patron's meetings in your city.

    • Participate as a speaker at the Summit.

  • By helping our organization we jointly bring solutions to the lack of an empowered, expert, federal and democratic global governance of AI and digital communications. A solution to such a challenge would:

    • Enable humanity to stave off the immense risks posed by AI and digital communications, and realize their astounding potential.

    • Protect the safety and well-being of your family, community and all of humanity for generations to come.

  • Acquire an option to participate as a pre-seed funder or investor in the $15+ billion Global Public Interest AI Lab.

If interested to support us, reach out to:

If interested in funding the Coalition for a Baruch Plan for AI, visit our dedicated page on the coalition’s site.