Trustless Computing Certification Body
& Seevik Net

In Geneva and Rome, we are building a democratic global digital communications infrastructure and platform, on top of which World citizens and businesses can associate, create, innovate, compete and thrive as free human beings, in a true free market of ideas, in the global public interest.  

To achieve that we are building a uniquely democratic and resilient IT security standards setting and certification body, Trustless Computing Certification Body (TCCB), that will certify and govern a human computing platform called Seevik Net, that results digital communication sphere that results from mandatorily-interoperable systems certified by such body.

We get inspiration from the creation of EU public TV broadcasters, the French Minitel, or European GSM standards, but add to it an open, direct and representative transnational democratic governance of participating nations and global citizens - while strongly safeguarding the innovation and oversight role of private initiatives.

Key intuitions that guide to our Trustless Computing Paradigms and our unique governance model are that:

  • (1) We re-conceptualize the cybersecurity of any given critical IT system/experience as the by-product of the intrinsic resilience, accountability, and competency of organisational and cyber-social processes.

  • (2) IT security certifications that are secure enough for sensitive user do not exist today only because they are systematically weakened by powerful nations in need to preserve legitimate lawful access in the face of encryption protocols advances, and they will come into existence only if they will solve both problems; and

  • (3) meaningful digital liberties and public safety are not a trade-off zero-sum game, but a “both-or-neither” challenge for win-win solutions, which can be solved by uncompromising applying to both extreme, trustless, democratic socio-technical safeguards, and governance checks and balances.

In cyberspace, we can’t really choose between personal freedom and public safety. it is a both or neither challenge.

Trustless Computing Certification Body

TCCB will standardize, certify and regulate interoperable IT systems for human communications that aim to achieve radically-unprecedented levels of confidentiality, integrity and democratic control, while ensuring (procedural, in person, and international) legitimate lawful access.

Although TCCB will certify partial stacks of IT systems, and systems that by requirement will be for restricted access, the creation of the Trustless Computing Certification Body will be primarily instrumental as a means of certification and effective democratic governance of Seevik Net.

Unique Security Paradigm. We re-conceptualize the cybersecurity of any given critical IT system/experience as the by-product of the intrinsic resilience, accountability, and competency of organisational and cyber-social processes. The key to TCCB claims for such high levels of assurance for both the certifies IT systems/services and for the resilience and mitigation of risks of abuse of its procedural international legitimate lawful access are the Trustless Computing Paradigms and its unique governance model and statute, that maximizes competency, direct and indirect democratic accountability and resilience from state pressure. All software, hardware, and processes that are critically involved in an IT service provisioning or life-cycle – from CPU design to fabrication, from hosting room access to standard-setting – are subject to extreme verification relative to complexity, or to extremely resilient cyber-social oversight, based on offline citizen-witness or citizen-jury processes.

Relationship with other standards. TCCB is a Swiss-based non-profit international democratic governance body that will issue labels that any IT provider can apply for, in compliance with current EU and Swiss laws, and with downward compatibility with EU eIDAS Qualified, Common Criteria 3, and the future Swiss eID LoT3. TCCB is meant to foster, inspire and merge into similar ongoing and future UN and EU initiatives, by being a trailblazer by leveraging its agility and freedom from undemocratic constraints.

Seevik Net

Seevik Net, will be the first open transnational democratic human computing infrastructure and platform, including both hardware and software, clouds and devices. It will create a democratic digital sphere for our private and sensitive computing along-side dominant systems that we can’t live without.

All TCCB-compliant client devices will be able to run 3rd-party TCCB-certified apps, which may be public-access or restricted access. Public-access apps will enable users to submit, like, rate, and comment content, create groups - as well as submit new apps - creating de-facto a human digital and social computing platform.

Seevik Net aims to create the first ultra-secure and ultra-democratic social computing platform, by reconciling, balancing, and maximizing democratic and civic values such as privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, crime prevention, public safety, and promoting, and striving for an information and communication sphere constituting a fair and resilient free market of ideas, based on scientific evidence and rational reasoning.

Seevik Net will not aim to replace current dominant semi-oligopolistic client devices, and apps - but complement them with interoperable apps for mainstream stores, seamlessly portable 2mm-thin client devices for the back every smartphone, and custom clouds - that truly enact our democratic values and rights.

The discussion and communication space created by Seevik Net will be governed by a Seevik Net Board, which is accountable to the TCCB Assembly. It will have functions similar to those of the Facebook Oversight Board, but it will be democratic and will implement carefully conceived Seevik Net Principles to maximize public good, within existing laws.

Seevik Net seeks to maximize the affirmation in our digital sphere of communications of all key democratic constitutional values and mandates, including civil rights, as well as international public security, peace, and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

From Go-to-market to Global Adoption

Both TCCB and Seevik Net, will initially be target for the private sector, addressing the needs of the most sensitive citizens and private organisations, and then governments and all consumers, as price decreases with scale, finally bridging the network effect to become the default platform for citizens private or sensitive digital life.

Initially focused on IT services encompassing client and server, software and hardware, with a dedicated thin client device, for the needs of millions of the most sensitive members of civil society, including elected officials, reporters, activists, businessmen, academics, NGOs to communicate and network securely within and across nations and geopolitical blocks - it will then expand to client-server IT services that will run client-side on mainstream mobile devices on mainstream app stores, like Apple Store, Google Store, and eventually Harmony.

TCCB will initially certify complete standalone systems IT services/experiences - client and server, software and hardware, operating on public networks - that can ensure levels of security, privacy and control that are substantially or radically higher than the most secure client, server and client/server solutions commercially available, even when protected via the most advanced cybersecurity suites and operational precautions.

Then available in other form factors, cheaper versions and in digital kiosks run by public agencies - to bring digital freedom and trustworthy e-government and day to day use of tens of millions, and then all.