Program (draft)
DAY 1: Trustless Computing Certification Body and Seevik Net
During Day 1, we’ll replicate verbatim the remarkably prescient four-challenges program of the 2015 1st Edition of Free and Safe in Cyberspace, held by the Trustless Computing Association in Brussels in 2015 with amazing speakers. The Four Challenges of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace have been the sole focus of nearly all of the 10 following edition in three continents, and their pursuit gave birth to the Trustless Computing Certification Body and Seevik Net Initiative, which is one of the three intergovernmental organizations proposed in the Harnessing AI Risk Proposal.
08.30 - Welcome from local authorities, personalities and the organizers
10.00 - Challenge A. Personal Freedom. How can we build IT for human communication and social networking systems, for sensitive non-classified computing, that ensure levels of privacy, security and democratic control that radically exceed state-of-the-art?
11.00 - Challenge B. Personal Freedom + Public Safety. If we can solve Challenge A, how can we do so while (1) increasing the certainty, rapidity and integrity of legitimate lawful access requests, national and international, via procedural “in-person” mechanisms and (2) sufficiently limit grave and large scale risks of abuse of such access by anyone?
12.30-14.00 - Lunch break offered to all speakers and attendees
14.00 - Challenge C. Meaningfully Safe and Democratic AI. How IT systems and sub-systems that satisfy Challenge A and/or B, contribute to increase the security, privacy, transparency, safety, accountability, control and alignment of the most critical sub-systems of society-critical IT and advanced AI systems, such as social media, conversational AIs and critical infrastructures?
15.00- Challenge D. Governance models for A, B and C. What socio-technical paradigms and governance models should guide an on inter-governmental democratic governance structure that can sustainably build, certify and regulate IT systems that can solve Challenge A, B and C?
16.00 - Introduction to the Trustless Computing Certification Body and Seevik Net by the President to the Trustless Computing Association:
“Can a critical mass of globally-diverse states, IGOs and neutral INGOs build a new open intergovernmental organization to create, certify and regulate IT systems that radically increase the security, privacy and accountability of both human communications and of control subsystems of the most powerful human-controllable AIs - and in the process build the first global democratic digital public sphere and help steer AI towards safety and democratic control?”
DAY 2: Harnessing AI Risk for Global Public Good
09.00-09.30 - Welcome from local authorities, personalities and organizers
09.30-12.30 - TBD Panels, keynotes and Q&As around the Trustless Computing Certification Body and Seevik Net Initiative.
12.30-14.00 - Lunch break offered to all speakers and attendees
14.00 - 17.30 - TBD Panels, keynotes and Q&As around the around the Harnessing AI risk Proposal (v.1):
Speakers: Day 1 and Day 2
Speakers of Day 1 are being chosen among representatives of over 15 states, IGO and neutral INGOs, that have shown interest in becoming founding members of the Trustless Computing Certification Body and Seevik Net Initiative, as well as members of advisory boards of the Trustless Computing Association and the exceptional speakers of past editions of Free and Safe in Cyberspace, and especially speakers of the 1st Edition.
Speakers of Day 2 will be chosen among current and former officials of over 15 states, IGO and neutral INGOs that have shown interest in become founding members of the Trustless Computing Certification Body and Seevik Net Initiative, as well as members of advisory boards of the Trustless Computing Association and the exceptional speakers of past editions of Free and Safe in Cyberspace.