Trustless Computing Association

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Harnessing AI Risk Pre-Summit was held along the G7 Summit in Italy

Last June 12th, the Harnessing AI Risk Pre-Summit was held in hybrid mode alongside the G7 Summit in Italy to discuss the question: Could the “open intergovernmental constituent assembly” be a better treaty-making model for AI?

A Youtube recording is available below.

The event is a preparatory meeting for the 1st Harnessing AI Risk Summit, to be held this November in Geneva. It is integral part of the Harnessing AI Risk Initiative, and its emerging Coalition around an Open Call.

Moderated by David Wood, the was launched by an Opening Keynote by Rufo Guerreschi, Executive Director of the Trustless Computing Association, and followed by interventions and discussions in two panels among distinguished speakers, advisors of the Trustless Computing Association and members of the Coalition for the Harnessing AI Risk Initiative:

  • Wendell Wallach - Co-director of the Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Emeritus Chair of Technology and Ethics Studies at Yale University. Founder and Co-lead of the 2018-2021 International Congress for the Governance of Artificial Intelligence. (video link)

  • Ambassador Prof. Muhammadou Kah - Chairman of the UN Commission on Science and Technology Development. Permanent Representative of the Mission of The Gambia to the UN in Geneva. Member of the Advisory Board of the Trustless Computing Association. (video link)

  • Robert Whitfield - Chair of the Transnational Working Group on AI at the World Federalist Movement, the convenor of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court. Chair of One World Trust. (video link)

  • Sundeep Waslekar - President of Strategic Foresight Group, an international think tank that has worked with 65 countries on global risks and challenges. (video link)

  • Brando Benifei - Member of European Parliament and Co-Rapporteur of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Member of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age.

  • Patrick S. Roberts - Senior Political Scientist at The RAND Corporation. Professor of Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School. Former senior foreign policy advisor in the State Department’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (video link)

  • Jan Philipp Albrecht - President of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Former MEP. Former Minister of Digitization of the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. Member of the Advisory Board of the Trustless Computing Association. (video link)

  • Marco Landi - President of the Institute EuropIA. Former President and Chief Operating Officer of Apple Computers, Cupertino. Member of the Advisory Board of the Trustless Computing Association.

  • Fola Adeleke, Executive Director of the Global Center for AI Governance, Executive Director of the African Observatory on Responsible Artificial Intelligence. (video link)

  • Nell Watson - President of the European Responsible AI Office. Chair of the IEEE Human or AI Interaction Transparency Working Group and the IEEE AI Ethics Certification Maestro. (video link)

  • Jerome Glenn - Renowned futurist. CEO of the Millennium Project, publisher of the State of the Future reports. (video link)

  • * Kay Firth-Butterfield - Former Head of AI and Member of the Executive Committee at World Economic Forum. CEO of Good Tech Advisory. (video link)

  • * Ansgar Koen - Global AI Ethics and Regulatory Leader at Ernst & Young. Member of the Advisory Board of the Trustless Computing Association. (video link))

*(could not attend for personal reasons)

Click here to read the transcripts of the opening keynote by Rufo Guerreschi -

Click below for the video recording of the entire event on Youtube: